Saturday, July 16, 2011

Could there have been a drug in my sweet?

Hi, so yesterday I was bored in my French lesson so my friend Greg gave me and a few others, some of those fizzy love heart sweets with the little message in them. About half an hour later, in ICT lesson, I began to think my hands have just appeared on my wrists as if they weren't there before! earlier today, they told me I was saying weird stuff and sounded different and acting loopy. Then about half an hour after that, we had lunch and I felt a bit better. But about an hour later in Art lesson, I felt REALLY ill, I had a migraine, I felt quite sick and dizzy (I've never felt like that before, ever!) so my good friend kieran escorted my to reception, where one of the staff took me into the first aid room. I still had the migraine-sickness so I puked in a bowl about two or three times. I texted my mum to see if any of her friends could give me a lift home, but unfortunately they were all busy :( . So I couldnt get home until school ended - I waited for an agonising 3 and a half hours, then I got on the bus and finally got home where I explained the whole ordeal to my mum and she helped me with getting into bed and getting food/water. I feel fine now (the day after) but I want to know what could have possibly been in the love heart sweet. (I know my friend Greg wouldnt do anything to it, so don't suspect him) sorry for this long question but I'm a bit concerned for myself as I'm only 14 years old and don't take any drugs. Thank you for reading this!

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