Friday, July 15, 2011

Hi. need some input on a custody case we're going through concerning my grand baby...?

i know u guys are familiar with this, because i've asked questions on this issue before and i think he's even been on here asking. i've been called a troll, but i assure you that i'm not. ok to recap. my daughter is 22. when she was a senior in high school she got pregnant by this boy. at the time, she was a very straight laced girl. the boy that she got pregnant by was a pot user. well, they ended up parting ways.we have helped her raise the baby. she's will be 4 soon. well, when she was 9 months about, the bio dad stopped coming around, but before he went MIA he petitioned the court for visitiation and he got it. he eventually stopped coming around, never was at home when she had to take him the baby, never paid any child support either. he owes the state about 20k.. it was a battle. he wasn't interested, but his parents were, but we never got any child support, no cards on birthdays, or christmas. we didn't care for him, because he used to be a pot smoker, but visitation was ordered by the court, so we had to let the child see him. well, my daughter ended up with another bad boy and she got strung out on heavy drugs. she's now in rehab and the cyfd placed the baby with my husband and i, because we have helped raise her and the child is stable with us. well, we had a family meeting with the cyfd. this family went in lying, saying we denied them visits. there were times when she was sick, but WE HAD to show doctor's notes. they just stopped coming around. turned out that cyfd let us keep her. we got a lawyer and petitioned the court for guardianship. he's sueing us for custody and suing my daughter for child support... this little girl doesn't know them and WE NEVER denied them visits. NEVER. i'm so worried about this. the cyfd told us that we should go back to the original, court ordered visitation, but this little girl has issues, when i leave her anywhere. she doesn't know these people and i just couldn't let them take her like that. i did tell them that i'd work with them with supervised visits and slowly get her aquainted with them, but they threw a big fit and said that they are her family and they want the original visitation 3 days a week for 2 hours a visit... now they're suing us for custody. i'm so worried about this. thank you. and i promise you. i'm not a troll. thanks.. <3

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