Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who is really behind uprisings in the Middle East?

My feeling is this. The West goes about arming regimes because 'it is good for business' in our own countries. And then God forbid, they damn well start using them against their own citizens. Well we can't have that can we? So in goes NATO to try to make the point that this is not acceptable. The reason that Mubarak was left alone and to some extent Syria is that they didn't make the mistake of Gadaffi. Namely that he explicitly stated he was going to go after his rebels with all his western supplied military might. A red rag to a bull. Assad and Mubarak at least made the pretence of offering reform first. This doesn't make them any better, particularly Assad. And the UN resolutions condemning Assad reflect that. But the idea that the Libyan rebels are getting help solely because Libya has oil is to me just a coincidence. Gadaffi was stupid and he is now paying the price. He's been indicted by the ICC as a result whereas the likes of Mubarak face prosecution in their own countries. I actually abhor what NATO is doing to Libya, because in the end there will just be a pile of rubble where Libya once stood. And that is not good for the suffering population of Libya whichever side they are on. That is the futility of air strikes. You go in, bomb like mad and then expect whoever takes over to somehow pick up the pieces. Its blunt, it's brutal, but people like Gadaffi bring it on themselves at the end of the day.

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